Sewing sleeves, that great enemy.
Hello! How many of us have been afraid to face sewing sleeves? Until recently I only made summer clothes without sleeves.
But I lost the fear of sewing sleeves thanks to a teacher who taught me a super easy method to sew them. And today I want to share it with you.
- The sleeves go straight with the curve of the front and back.
- Follow the curve.
- We will move the fabric with the needle inserted in it to be able to turn the fabric above and create the shape.
This way of doing it is the one that I use for everything. It is easier to turn around and sew it. And if you have to fix something, it’s better to remove it.
You can use it with any type of sleeve or garment, you just have to remember to leave the sides without sewing and open the garment well. And the shoulder seams must be open. In the previous post you have what it means.
It is a curve seam, you must pay attention to go turning without moving and give the necessary pickets. Of this I will speak to you in next post.
And the next post will not be about sewing. I have a new call to be a tester of summer patterns. If you are interested do not miss the March 1 post where I explain everything you need to know to try the patterns.