How to sew sleeves

Sewing sleeves, that great enemy.

Hello! How many of us have been afraid to face sewing sleeves? Until recently I only made summer clothes without sleeves.

sewing sleeves

But I lost the fear of sewing sleeves thanks to a teacher who taught me a super easy method to sew them. And today I want to share it with you.


  • The sleeves go straight with the curve of the front and back.
  • Follow the curve.
  • We will move the fabric with the needle inserted in it to be able to turn the fabric above and create the shape.

This way of doing it is the one that I use for everything. It is easier to turn around and sew it. And if you have to fix something, it’s better to remove it.

You can use it with any type of sleeve or garment, you just have to remember to leave the sides without sewing and open the garment well. And the shoulder seams must be open. In the previous post you have what it means.

It is a curve seam, you must pay attention to go turning without moving and give the necessary pickets. Of this I will speak to you in next post.

And the next post will not be about sewing. I have a new call to be a tester of summer patterns. If you are interested do not miss the March 1 post where I explain everything you need to know to try the patterns.

And put into practice what you have learned in the videos

How to Sew the pieces

Sewing the pieces of a dress will no longer resist.

Hello!! I bring you the second video tutorial on sewing. This week is the turn to the second step to create any garment: SEW THE PIECES.

Sew the pieces
Sew the pieces

This video is a basic way of joining the pieces of a garment. I do it this way but each person uses the one that suits them best or the one they have learned. It’s with subtitles in spanish.

After trying many ways to join the pieces, this was the one that best suited me and I started using it.

What I show in the video is how to join the pieces of the front and back in the body by the shoulders. It is a very basic dress without tweezers and the opening has it in the front center. It is a button opening.

If your garment has tweezers, these are the first ones that you have to sew before you start with this step.

  • We will make a double hem for both sides in the front center.
  • We join the pieces that form the front body with a simple seam. But we do not join the central part.

As you can see in the video I have finished the edges so they do not fray. I used a zigzag stitch very close to the seam edge. This will also help me to know where I have to sew. It is made below this stitch.

If you have a seaming machine I recommend you use it to make that step. The edge is completely finished with a more professional finish that is what we are looking for. Some domestic sewing machines also have that point of overlock.

Another way to finish

 Another way to finish the pieces, is to do it after joining the pieces. 

When you have already joined the pieces and sewed is when you do the zigzag auction or with the serger. But you must take into account the seams that are open (each edge on one side of the seam) or closed (the two edges on the same side.

Here is a list of where each seam goes:


  • Shoulders
  • Crotch in the pants
  • Sides os the skirt.
  • Laterals of the body. /t-shirts, Shirts, Blouses, dresses, etc.)


  • Waist. (To the ground)
  • Sleeves (Towards the inside of the sleeves).
  • The pleats. (Each clamp to its nearest side).
Sew the pieces snowy dress.
Sample of joining the pieces in the Snowy dress

Edinburgh Dress Review

Hello!! I bring a new review for you. This time it’s Edinburgh Dress review turn.

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Meghan cunha contacted me through my Instagram post looking for a tester of my winter clothes and she chose this dress and did it for summer. He lives in Australia and there it is summer right now but it is designed to be worn over some shirt or sweater.

But for summer it is also great if you do not look at what she has done.

In this Edinburgh Dress review, she has put the godet in a contrasting tone to highlight and has been great.

I put it to match the pattern, but my pattern was checkered to make it look more Scottish.

For summer it is a very good option to go to the office if you want to bring something more formal but fun. Combined with wedges or heeled sandals will be beautiful.

And I put pictures in more detail so you can see it better.

How to pass the patterns to fabric

Hello!!! Here come the sewing tutorial videos, and the first is How to pass the patterns to fabric.

The first thing to say is that I do not have a professional camera or a sewing workshop where to work, so I apologize for the poor quality of the video and for seeing me on the floor.

pass pattern to fabric

In this videotutorial we will see how to pass the patterns to the fabric and cut the pieces. My employers go without margins and in most cases, unless I put the instructions usually go without them.

Video pass the patterns to the fabric

In the video, you have the steps that are going to be followed. They are the same ones that I use in the instructions so if you buy a pattern in the store and you get lost in one of the steps you just have to follow the video.

It is a very simple and easy step to follow. First thing is to know how to differentiate the edge of the fabric. Fold leaving the selvedges together and put the pieces that go to spine (in the fold of the cloth) the first ones.

A TIP: do not lift the fabric to put the safety pins. The fabric would move and it would not be the same.

The video is in spanish, but here I leave you the instructions translate them:

  • The patterns are placed on the back of the fabric, with the rights faced. We bend in a longitudinal direction, joining the selvedges of the fabric.

  • We hold the pieces with pins. The first one that we will place on the spine. It will be done by matching the fold line with the fold or spine of the fabric.

  • Draw the patterns with soap or roller and make the seam allowance to the entire contour (1.5cm).

And that’s all for this week. Do you follow other ways of doing it? Do you use a soap or a roller?

sewing machine

Sewing tutorial videos

Hello! I will be uploading videos of sewing tutorials to help you follow more easily the instructions of the patterns.

With these sewing tutorials with instructions of the steps in the video (only in Spanish), you will follow the instructions of my patterns more easily.

sewing mannequin

Most of the steps coincide in all the sewing tutorials, so it will always be the same video. I’ll be making videos as something new comes out that does not appear in the previous sewing tutorials.

Why video sewing tutorials?

Because videos are easier to follow and even if you do not speak the language in which the instructions are written, you can follow them without problems.

You will have them all in the blog so you do not miss any of them and always have them on hand. And for the new employers, I will put the links in the instructions so that you can go directly from there.

For those who are already made you only have to search here in the blog. With the search bar that is on the home page, with what you are looking for, Ready!

In the next week, we will start with the most basic and most important step of all. And what is also common to all:

How to pass the patterns to fabric

And every week (whenever possible) I’ll upload a new sewing tutorial on the blog.

How to wear the 40s style, today

40s Marked by the economic narrowness due to the war. Everything became more austere and fashion was no exception.

The woman began to work while her husbands were in the war. Some women enlisted as nurses to help the soldiers.

The waists were marked and the skirts were full of flight and without many ornaments. Gloves and headgear were used for day to day.

But now that is unlikely. People no longer wear hats unless it is winter and it is cold, much less wearing headdresses with hairnets to go shopping for them. We reserve that for weddings and other events.

Why not wear that style adapted to the current era? We can take an image of work without forgetting the elegance. Perhaps a headdress with a peacock feather is not the most appropriate for going on the subway but a pen shaped brooch on the wool cap is a more modest option.

Add a touch of elegance to your dresses and accessories. A simple dress can become a more elegant one by adding only a few buttons lined with fabric in contrast to the dress. Or an embroidered collar. And even some brooch of your grandmother or vintage style.

If you are more crafty and good seamstress you can add something more elaborate as a folds or a body of honeycomb as in the dress here below 40s. The lace is a simple and very feminine option.

As for accessories, the 40s cloches have become fashionable again and look great. You can have long or short hair, curly and smooth, that this will look great on you. With a simple dress you will give it a more elegant look.

And you can see some options of dresses and coats.

Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

Hello! This year many things have happened regarding the store. The first is that I created my own website and opened my online store in it. And everything has been thanks to your support. But let’s see what happens in 2019.

Thank you so much 2018

My Etsy store is still running as usual and I’m still on top of it. It has already reached 77 sales. And in 2019 I want to have reached 100.

Next year will be a year full of surprises and new products for you to continue creating and having fun. I will focus more on my personal web and give it a push. I will upload posts more often and I will organize myself to give you the best possible content.

The social media will focus on showing you a more entertaining and entertaining content and focused on helping you with everything.

View the new blog post

In the blog you will find tutorials so you can follow the instructions of the patterns more clearly and easily. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but the video is better!

There will be finished clothes so you can see the result and choose the one you like the most and all thanks to you. Yes, you

You’ll be the one to try the patterns that you like. You just have to read this post with all the information and get in touch with me. You are the ones that make the store grow and improve with your comments, sharing the post and products and leaving reviews with your opinions.

Suscribe in the newsletter


A new innovation is the newsletter. To keep up to date with all the news and post, I have created a newsletter that I will send every Monday with the latest news and the post of the week.

Go to subscribe here or in the box on the right. Subscribers will receive exclusive offers just for them. From discounts, 2×1, exclusive patterns, etc.

I want this website not only to sell, but also a community to gather amateur and expert seamstresses to share their passion, wisdom and creations.

That creating our own clothes is not just a hobby or something we only do for the carnival of school, if not something that motivates us and encourages us to show ourselves as we are.

Wrap Coat review

Hi! I contacted Miscelanea DIY to test and review one of my patterns and she chose the wrap coat.

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He has left a beautiful coat, he has even put pockets. He has a post on his blog explaining how he has done it and the materials he has used.

His blog is dedicated to sewing and has some very good tutorials of some review of it. I recommend that you go to see it and that you subscribe to its blog and social networks. It will help you a lot in your sewing projects.

Here I leave the video explaining the step by step of the coat and the modifications that she has done in this review. It is only in Spanish but in the YouTube option of subtitles you can put it in English or in the language you want. Only that it is translated automatically and the translation is not always perfect and accurate.


And do not forget that if you do the pattern I love seeing your creations. Label me on your social networks like @abelisfashion and #abelisfashion so you can see it and post it.

Summary of the week: Pattern

Hello!! Like almost every Sunday, I leave an entry in the blog with the compilation of everything I’ve been uploading to Instagram of each pattern.

I have climbed on two different patterns. Pajamas for winter and on a dress yule

The pajama is perfect for Christmas. And if you put fleece fabric you’ll make it even warmer. I leave the instagram post.

Yule pattern

And this pattern that I have uploaded this week is the Yule dress. A dress according to the latest trends. It is modern but with a classic cut.

If what you are looking for is a versatile dress and for all occasions this is your option. You see that it is a perfect set to go to religious celebrations. The coat that appears is the Redingote

And if you do not know what colors to use I leave these palettes. The most classic in blues and grays and the other more modern and current. You can also use them in Christmas decoration. Not only is gold, red and green.

You can make simple modifications to the pattern, such as removing the neck and making it round or take flight to the skirt. I leave you as it would be with those modifications.

And that’s all. If you liked it, do not forget to subscribe to my Newsletter that you have at the beginning of the page.

Pattern of the week: Charlie dress

Hello! This week’s pattern is the Charlie dress. A long dress of seventies and bohemian air that will delight the most nostalgic. Combined in several colors or with a single print. The options are endless.

I made a scale prototype of this dress for my BJD doll (Ball jointed doll). It is an exact replica of the original pattern only smaller. The form, the measurements and how it is is exactly as it is in reality. The only difference is that being the smallest fabrics and not weighing does not have as much flight as if you do it.

If you want to see the finished pattern I leave here an image of my Instragram and here the image in full size.

I have also published a color palette of Shabby Chic style for the seventies long air dress.

And A way to combine the colors for that seventies long air dress.

To complete the seventies look of this dress I leave an outfit to complete it. The hat is by Matilde Falcinelli. A hatbox from Madrid. It has its own workshop and physical store in Madrid, in C / Padilla 33. They are made to measure and they are all precious. You can order it as you like and custom.