You make your own clothes. Adapt them, create them and enjoy them.
Welcome, I’m Isabel, Designer and creator of Abelis Sewing Patterns.

When I was little, my mother always dressed my twin sister and me the same. Sometimes different colors.
When I grew up, I started dressing differently from my sister. I changed my hair, my clothes, and everything I wore.
I managed to give personality to my image and reflect who I was through my clothes, but it still wasn’t enough. When I entered my pre-teen years, my body changed. I was very thin and getting dressed was like getting dressed on a broom.
I loved fashion, but the only one who always dressed well was my Barbie. Her closet was spectacular, she had clothes from other cultures, countries, and eras. And even some dresses made out of wipes painted with a crayon pen.
That helped me to start drawing and designing my own clothes. I started sewing buttons and some small stuff. All this while I was dealing with my body.
When I was 15 years old my grandfather bought me my first sewing machine, and I created my first garments. They were all in costumes. I started to make peace with my body and see that instead of changing it I could change what I put on it. And that’s what I did.
I started sewing clothes for myself. Everything fit me perfectly. I was happy. I was finally myself. I studied fashion design and image consulting. I wanted to help more women like me. Who have gone through or are going through the same thing. Or who love fashion.
That’s how I started selling my digital patterns. It was the best way to help others to have the freedom to be and wear how they want and at the same time help the planet by not wasting paper and not polluting.