With this guide, saying “I have nothing to wear” is a thing of the past. It is possible to have a sustainable closet without clothes you don’t wear that you bought on impulse.
Now you’ll have a tidy closet full of only the clothes you’re really going to wear. You’ll stop wasting time in the morning getting dressed and you’ll get the most out of your looks.

I’m sure you’re thinking that it’s crazy and it’s going to take a lot of time. Well, it will take a little time, but you have to invest it and then earn it.
Read on and you will see how easy and fun it is:

- If these clothes are enough, don’t buy more clothes. If you need clothes, follow the previous steps.
- An alternative to buying clothes is to make them yourself.
If you have come this far it is because you already make your own clothes.
It is more sustainable, will fit you perfectly and will always comply with all the points shown in this guide.
Your clothes will also be more durable and last longer. Sewing is a great hobby, eliminates stress and helps concentration and creativity.
And it’s cheaper than Therapy!
In addition to this guide, you can get a free checklist to start sewing your own clothes.
And if you already know how to sew, try some of these free patterns and start having that sustainable closet adapted to your figure.